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RCD Testing SWMS

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SWMS for RCD Testing

The RCD testing method statement assesses risk following the identification of hazards connected with undertaking the RCD trip time test of a residual current device and the subsequent implementation of risk controls to manage risk.

  • Safe work method statements require that control measures for hazards be implemented per RCD testing guidelines and testing RCD procedures for testing rcd trip time.

RCD Testing SWMS Example

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SWMS RCD Testing

Workplace Safety has conducted a comprehensive hazard analysis for the testing of RCDS, e.g. RCD trip time test with control measures developed for identified hazards per hazard control hierarchy.

  • Assess and review health and safety practices in the workplace to control risk

  • WHS consultation to identify potential hazards with undertaking the trip time testing of residual current devices

  • Risk assessment to identify any hazards in the workplace that may potentially pose an immediate threat of death or serious injury

  • Health and safety planning for conducting an RCD trip test, e.g. minimise risks through the planning process

  • WHS consultation and participation processes ensure adequate health and safety communication

  • Workplace environmental hazards, e.g. atmospheric hazards in a confined space, falling from height

  • Workplace trip hazards likely to result in slips trips and falls injuries

  • Implementation of controls for how to test an RCD, e.g. isolation of hazards and services

  • Health and safety at work information and instructions for workers to manage risks

  • Electrical safety plan for testing RCD that identifies hazards and risks with testing an RCD and provides safe working guidelines for electrical workers, e.g. RCD testing requirements and RCD testing procedure

  • Electrical testing equipment, e.g. electrical test device used for testing RCD trip time of residual current devices

  • Insulated tools when live working on electrical circuits, e.g. electrical live working tools

  • Visual inspection of RCD safety switch to ensure residual current device complies with RCD protection regulations, e.g. functional testing of RCD

  • Contact with energised electrical equipment resulting in electrocution death, electrical shock and potential injuries from electrical shock

  • Electrical spotter to warn persons working in the vicinity of energised electrical equipment, e.g. electrical hazards

  • Initial RCD test using an RCD tester to identify if there is a fault with the mains supply

  • Testing RCD sockets with a portable appliance tester for testing RCD trip current

  • RCD trip test to check the function of residual current device per testing RCD procedures to determine RCD trip times, e.g. RCD switch tripped

  • RCD test stickers per RCD testing regulations shall be affixed to an RCD where the RCD test results comply with the RCD testing standard

  • Recording RCD test results in the RCD testing log book and RCD testing sheet

  • Hazardous chemicals used in connection with testing an RCD

  • Hazardous manual tasks in connection with residual current device testing

  • Personal protective equipment, e.g. electrical PPE and electrical safety gear

  • Health and safety training for workers, e.g. electrical safe work practices training

  • Workplace housekeeping incorporating material handling and storage safety

  • Legislative and regulatory requirements for compliance with WHS legislation, e.g. electrical codes of practice, RCD testing regulations and RCD testing standards

  • Monitoring controls, e.g. assessment and review the effectiveness of control measures

  • Electrician tasks and activities in connection with RCD trip time testing

SWMS Electrical


SWMS for RCD testing shall assess the risk of construction high-risk activities involved in testing RCD trip time.

High-risk work activities that may expose workers to WHS hazards are likely to include but not be limited to:

  • Implementing an isolation procedure for electrical equipment to ensure electrical equipment safety

  • Residual current device testing

  • RCD trip time test

  • Testing RCD per testing RCDS requirements

  • Other RCD trip time test hazards.

Testing RCD Trip Time
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